Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A perspective - Writing as an art

I try to read the opinion pages of as many national newspapers as I can access.

As a result, I've become accustomed to the point of view of many readers throughout the nation. 

Although, not as many people as in the past seem to be reading the "paper" newspapers, anymore, they still seem to continue writing their letters to the editors.This letter was written about the "art of writing"

Art of the handwritten letter lost
To the Editor of the El Paso Times in December 2018:

I have to admit, it breaks my heart that probably the vast majority of this generation will never understand some of the most poignant lyrics to White Christmas:

“I’m dreaming of a White Christmas with every Christmas card I write.”

Writing Christmas cards and letters is becoming an extinct part of our story, and so sad that we are letting technology destroy those things that matter the most to our hearts.

This song was written by Irving Berlin in 1942, during World War II, in an era in which letters from home or to home were the most precious things a family could have or send. I truly weep for a generation that we have not taught the ability to write their hearts and are instead left to trying their best by sending emojis.

And I really don’t know anyone who pulls out a treasure chest and produces a cherished email or text.

I have a stack of cards and letters from my parents from the war. 

They are my greatest treasure.

 I can smell the history in them and feel their hearts with every letter they put to paper with their pen. 

I have even seen spots I am sure where a tear or two dropped on a page.

In a way, with the death of written personal communication died the better era of my father and mother, the greatest generation.

My quixotic dream is to see it relearned and revived.

My nonspiritual but poignant thoughts this Christmas.

Gregory Reid  East El Paso, Texas

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